Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of main product and ancillary task?


Magazine posters are easily received by the audience, due to their use of colour, scheme and the appearance of a well-known artist; they tend to easily attract their targeted audience. Certain magazine advert that are well received, seem to encourage the active audience. Rather than providing all the details on the advert, excluding the important factors such as the date of album release, the artist and the album name, it actually encourages the audience to be active rather than passive. Although an argument perspective would be that audiences would not bother to fully process the magazine advert, I find that entirely untrue. I sometimes find myself, coming across a magazine advert that may be advertising an artist or band that I am fond of and as a result I start researching songs on the album or additional singles that are associated with the album that is being released. There is also the essential factor where audiences have an active mind-set to allow them to draw links. What I mean by this is, singles tend to be released before the album and those that tend to feature in the magazine advert have certain similarities and motifs that allow an association to be made between the single and the poster, and perhaps the artist and the poster. In my opinion, this is an effective marketing strategy, with the combination of two media products a music video and magazine poster starts to enable brand identity of the artist.

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