Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Evaluation: What have you learnt from audience feedback?

Obtaining audience feedback ranged from a variety of different platforms and sharing techniques. There was the use of original 'word of mouth' asking friends and family to watch the video and share their opinion. There were social platforms that allowed us to share content, such as Facebook and Twitter that allowed us to gain feedback from a wider range of people. Surveys was another method used to obtain research, this guaranteed views and opinions of our production from anonymous viewers, providing us with a variety of responses.

Majority of the negative feedback we received regarding our product commented on the lip sync. They said the lip sync was noticeably out of sync with the artists miming. It was an aspect of critics received by almost everyone, and was an aspect I personally believed we could develop on.

Due to a variety of tastes and opinions, there was a mixture of thoughts on our final product. For instance some people disliked the video style and genre in general, stating their distaste for the product.

Some people enjoyed the production more so than others, taking interest in the artistic style of shots portrayed.

Additionally, another piece of criticism that popped up was the facial expressions. There was a reference to the artist portraying a lack of emotion an aspect that seemed to throw off the audience.

There was also the occasional reference to repetition that seemed to bore the audience to an extent, causing the audiences lack of engagement.

Positive feedback was, in my opinion, more powerful than the negative. There was recurring aspects of the video that the audience were interested in. Majority of the audience commented on the black and white theme being an effective theme that contributed to the video. Many people also liked the black and white against the red colour effect during the bottle smash, stating it was very 'well done'

Many people were extremely pleased with the overlay effect and the camera shots, one viewer described our final product as 'amazing' highlighting the professionalism in the piece.

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