Monday, 20 October 2014

Editing: The Road So Far

So far our production is slowly on its way, we have a team rule which involves any new clips imported onto the sequence to be immediately turned black and white. At first we were randomly putting shots into sequence in terms of what we thought looked good, but we were then advised by a teacher to go for a more structured approach, which led us to the formation of our time graph.

This involved a graph drawn in terms of the song, so when the song decided to build up there would be a higher frequency gradient. During these periods of built up sound, we agreed to have faster cuts (BAM, BAM, and BAM) and matching these to the song’s lyrics.
I also tried out the effect that was commonly used in Pleasant Ville and applied these to our smashing bottle and power paint. This effect worked extremely well with the bottle smash, I mean literally mind blowing. But, it reduced the powder paint clip to a grainy effect which did not look good at all.
Another aspect of music videos which I thought would be interesting to experiment with and see how it looked in our production, was to match the pace to a set of drums before we reached the chorus. This involved a lot of clips, cut to size, in order to mirror the drum beat. The end result of this little project, let me tell you, was amazing. When I tried it again for the second drum beat, it was a lot faster and mirrored the beat to a whole other level.

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